

  Covid-19 Regulations 

 As times changed the world has taught itself to adapt to the difficult times of the Covid-19 pandemic. Public transportation was a main source of transport for many citizens in the states. As Covid-19 came along it was understood that the overcrowded occupancy of buses was no longer acceptable in the coming pandemic. Many of our daily commuting routines would change in a blink of an eye. The pandemic has created obstacles for many to commute to their everyday jobs and made it difficult for them to keep their daily routine consistent. 

    Government health officials have implemented health precautions in all forms of public transportation to help everyone protect themselves and their fellow commuters. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has introduced new regulations in every form of transportation as well as private transportation. In an online article released by the CDC, it goes on to say, “ On January 29, 2021, CDC issued an Order that required face masks to be worn by all people while on public transportation (which included all passengers and all personnel operating conveyances) traveling into, within, or out of the United States and U.S. territories.” This is just one of the many new regulations that have been issued into the everyday routine of commuting citizens. 

    Their “Mask Up!” policy was shared through all the states and is not just specified in one city or state. This policy requires you to always have your mask on in transportation hubs and vehicles. The CDC goes on to heavily recommend even fully vaccinated individuals wear their masks at transportation locations. For example, Metrolink enforces this policy for the safety of its drivers and passengers. Some other regulations implemented into public transportation would be the heavy disinfecting of all surfaces liable to human touch or saliva. Cleaning and sanitizing have become a major part of all public transportation regulations. Major public transportation services give updates on their regulations and describe their protocols in detail. 

    They provide these updates on their websites, advertising posters, and even small signs in transportation vehicles. One major public transportation service that does an excellent example of this is, The Metro Transportation Service, on all the transportation services clearly display the recommended regulations the CDC provided. In all transportation companies, their main concern would be their operators and their safety. Many equip plastic barriers to act as an extra shield against bio-hazardous materials that may contain diseases. Passenger seats have been marked two seats apart to help enforce the social distancing protocol in all public transportation vehicles. 

    It is highly recommended to oblige to all these regulations to help slow the spread and to keep all commuters safe from these trying times. Overall, the main protocols to always keep in mind should be,

·       Mask on always, mask should be covering nose and mouth to be as effective as possible.

·       6-feet apart, or social distancing as much as possible.

·       Refrain from overcrowding a transportation vehicle.

·       Refrain from eating or drinking in a transportation vehicle.

These new regulations are for the best interest of the people as well as the transportation company’s employees. There is no harm or aggressive intention with these new regulations. They are to help all commuters and employees have the safest trip possible. 



“CDC Transportation Recommendations.” Edited by Centers of Disease Control, CDC Recommendations for Improving Health through Transportation Policy, 8 Feb. 2018,

Metro. “We Are Here for You.” LA Metro, 22 June 2021,

CDC. “Requirement for Face Masks on Public Transportation Conveyances and at Transportation Hubs.” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 27 Aug. 2021,



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